Many dog owners are unaware that a few common products can actually be beneficial to their dogs in the form of natural remedies for ailments and therefore saving on unnecessary veterinary costs.

Coconut Oil

This can be fed directly as a great source of Medium Chain Triglycerides. Research suggests that MCTs have been proven to improve mental alertness.
It can be used internally to help improve immune function, reduce or eliminate yeast infections and can be used as natural ‘pill pockets’ for giving medication.

Topically it can be used to help improve dry skin and add extra shine and nourishment to your dog’s coat. The antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties make
coconut oil an excellent first choice to help heal and soothe. As a bonus, coconut oil improves any dog’s skin and coat, improves digestion, and reduces allergic reactions.
The oil is an excellent remedy for helping heal cracked paws and to soothe a dry nose. Introduce slowly with ½ a teaspoon. It can be fed 2-3 times per week as a supplement.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

The components of ACV help maintain a recommended pH level of 6.5-7. Due to ACV typically having an acidic pH level it helps balance out levels. It contains iron, potassium, magnesium and other essential vitamins and minerals. This can help improve digestive health, organ health and minimize bacteria.

Holistically it is a superior flea and tick repellent. Mix one part water with one part ACV. Spray a fine mist onto your dog’s coat before going outside. Be careful to avoid its eyes and nose.
An ACV rinse is a beneficial treatment for skin, coat and bad odour. Mix 2-3 tbsp of ACV with 1 litre of water. Shampoo your dog as needed. Pour the solution over your dog avoiding the eyes. Do not wash the solution off. Towel dry and let the coat dry naturally.

In addition to the flea and skin treatments, ACV is a superb remedy for cleaning ears. Mix equal parts of ACV with distilled water. Soak cotton balls in the mixture. You can then clean the ears with the soaked cotton balls until they are clear. Dry the ears, as leaving them damp can contribute to ear problems. Do not use on open wounds or sores, as it will sting.


Turmeric contains an active ingredient called Curcumin. This has high anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, wound healing and anti-cancer properties! It has been proven to assist in fighting diseases such as diabetes, cancer, liver disease and gastrointestinal issues. Scientific research shows that Turmeric has provided arthritic relief and protection of the liver from toxins.

Golden Paste is now a very popular natural remedy for dogs. The recipe calls for freshly cracked organic peppercorns. This is because of a substance called Piperine. It is the bioactive compound in black pepper. Piperine in Golden Paste is what helps with the absorption of Turmeric.

Take 250mls of water, 60g Organic Turmeric, 70ml Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil and 2-3 tsp of freshly cracked Organic Peppercorn. Add the Turmeric to the water in a pan. Bring the mixture to the boil. Leave it to simmer for 7-10 minutes until it gets to a thick paste. If it gets too thick, slowly add a little more water. Turn off the heat and add the pepper and oil. Stir well to incorporate the ingredients. Allow the paste to cool and store in a jar or container. It will keep in the fridge for two weeks.
Alternatively you can pour the paste into an ice cube tray and freeze.

Start with ¼ tsp and slowly work up to 1tsp 2-3 times per week.
Sue Ahmet