
Period Pants – The ultimate game changer!

Period Pants

The ultimate game changer!

In all these years of monthly cycles never would we have thought that we would be ditching the pads and tampons for period pants. As the title states, these period pants are 100% the ultimate game-changer. Ladies, trust us, you need these in your life.


These absorbent knickers last up to 100 washes and are great for not just periods but incontinence too! With an array of styles from thongs to boyshorts and varying flow absorbancy they are an absolute dream. Quality stretchy fabric, comfortable to wear and no leakage.


These guys are Australia’s original leakproof apparel brand and they are huge in the UK. Lots of choice in styles and sizes. They are so pretty that you wouldn’t think they are for your bloody days. Comfortable, quality fabric and no leaks, no smell.


These classic period pants come in a 3 pack to cover your flow from light to heavy. They can absorb up to 4 tampons, quality of the fabric is thinner than the other brands, however, they were comfy with no smell or leaks and are great value for money. 

Love Luna

A lovely comfy sleek microfibre pant with a variety of styles to suit your flow. They feel like you’re wearing normal pants. Perfect for your period days with no leaks and no smell.

Cheeky Pants

A UK based company with quality period pants to cover every flow. Varying styles come in sizes 4 to 24. With 4 layers of protection, they didn’t let us down, they lasted through the night with no leakage and no smell. You can also purchase a handy little hygiene bag to pop them in after use.


Period Sleep Shorts are a super heavy absorbancy period pants (up to 5 tampons) attached to a comfy boxer inspired pyjama short. Absolute genius creation which are comfortable to wear and sleep in, no leaks, no smell and also a great loungewear option on the yucky days!

Marks and Spencers

M&S have a classic yet sexy range of styles and print. From Bridget Jones’s to bikini styles the pants are super comfy they look and feel like normal knickers. No leakage, no smell, great quality.

All items reviewed washed and dried well with no loss of shape. Some of the heavier flow period pants took a little longer to dry. Tested over 2-period cycles. They are also great for incontinence.

Mama Life Magazine