
World Astrological Forecast

Past, Present, Future

On December 31st and at the beginning of the new decade 2020,
Saturn – Pluto was in conjunction (exact point in the sky) which still forms the dominant undercurrent of worldwide events.

The coming together of these two major planets is a slow process, one that effects generations.

This is an aspect that only happens every few centuries…

Pluto means deep psychological cycles of events that create endings and new beginnings, it is about the Subconscious, Change, and a Re-emergence of Hidden Things, of which has been clashing with Saturn. This has caused Saturn which means Caution, Restriction, Authority, Limitation and even the closing of borders to shut down. We all are experiencing unprecedented social restrictions in which this is all too obvious in current times. However, Saturn also tells us that answers will be found in long term processes.

In simple terms what this has meant is that the dominating force Pluto has brought an underlying worldwide fear to the surface and has brought the Coronavirus into our everyday lives, worldwide. In fact, the effects of the current times will inevitably force us to face reality showing us what is ultimately important.

The Sun’s influence on us all is the side of ourselves we show to the outside world. It is our life force that represents our health, energy, vitality, and wellbeing. It is the steadying influence in our lives.
During the first week of May, the Sun comes out of a negative aspect of Pluto conjunct Jupiter and another phase of a period of tension will start.

Jupiter is the great teacher and bestows growth and movement but when it is negatively influenced as it has been doing then it will lean towards extravagance and over-indulgence, the great temptation during a lockdown. The conflict between autonomy and necessary adaption will be only too painfully obvious, individually and worldwide. The meeting together of Pluto and Jupiter in the first week of April signified this is a year when extraordinary things can be achieved. Undreamt of opportunities to lay firm foundations for future success.

The months we are currently transiting through March/April to June 2020 was always going to be disruptive and bring about shocking unpredictable events with Saturn aggravating Uranus and April was always going to be a pivotal month for years to come. The effects of the un-harmonious link of these planets mean that Uranus is behaving unpredictably and with high levels of disruption worldwide as Uranus real meaning is that of independence. As with Uranus with an unexpected and unpredictable outcome where this is all happening behind the scenes…

Repeating patterns…

The current processes in the heavens, that are the current quality of time, are slow-moving and does not occur in most people’s lifetimes.

This means that it will affect generations and generations to follow after. We experienced these exact same aspects that are happening now in the world previously. The events then were only too similar albeit with different implications.

In particular, there are shocking parallels to historic events that happened In the past from the last century to the French revolution of the 1780s and further back to the medieval period in Europe, in particular, the arrival of the Black Death that reached these shores in the 14th Century.

It is no coincidence that In all of these major worldwide events we had the exact same aspects with Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn happening then, as it is now. In particular the last century and the world events of the 1920’s and 1930’s. This included the economic worldwide collapse, the rise of fascism, both of the world wars and also of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1919 that claimed between 50 – 100,000,000 lives.
However during these times we never really lost our way, as out of the darkness we found the light and new ways of doing things. It brought people closer together and was a time of great discovery.

In the mid-1920’s Harold Carter finally found Tutankhamun in Egypt and brought untold treasures not of just gold but of human understanding through archaeology. This influenced the art deco movement with an explosion of creativity, the role of women in their social and political context and the emergence of human rights. It was a time of great discovery.

The Future Quality of Time

We are experiencing the world as ever-changing and it is currently undergoing a change in so many obvious and unobvious ways. The way we communicate will open new doors of innovation and in personal relationships on every level and a greater understanding of ourselves. There will be the manifestation of doing things in ‘revolutionary’ ways.

It is a time for our personal relationships to start to heal and to develop in very deep and meaningful ways. You may even find yourself falling in love again but on a deeper level that emerges both within existing and new relationships. The Aries – Libra axis starts this on the 21st April and continues into June. If you have been taking a little too much care of yourself and too little of loved ones you can now make up for it, it is worth making the conscious effort and enjoying it.

Worldwide events will lead to a somewhat nervous time during these next few months and expect to hear news on big developments to our understanding to what is happening on three key dates: The Full Moon (which is the fruition of powerful emotions) of the 7th May in Scorpio this will reveal anything that has been hidden or concealed, and the later eclipse on the 5th June.

Events between the 5th June and the Summer Solstice of the 21st June mean we will be in a significantly different place and it will be a very big month in worldwide events. Now the world will be through the other side of the pandemic and we shall start to significantly see the easing of restrictions and boundaries. Another worldwide social chapter begins therefore overall expect another great shift coming in the world one that will be for the better.

Despite our inner and outer restlessness in these times we all would be well advised to listen to what the planets are telling us and take action in grounding ourselves in our own concrete physical existence, and to remember our natural and sensual needs.

There is now an opportunity for you to achieve extraordinary things but only if we listen to what the world is telling us and use this time to lay firm foundations and take concrete steps, be it for your own personal realisation of a goal, a change of life or even a better understanding of what difference you can make to the outside world.

Contact ‘The Secret Clairvoyant’ for a Private Personal Clairvoyant / Astrological consultation.
T: 07969 637022

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